Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Does a teacher ever stop thinking of their classrooms and things that they can use in their classroom?  I know wherever I am at, I always am thinking of how I can use something in someway in my classroom. 

When we were on vacation these past few days, I kept getting things for my new bulletin board idea that I want to do in my classroom.  It is mainly an "About Me" bulleting board where things can be brought in and displayed on the board.  Of course, I got a patch and pin at Sleeping Bear Dunes.  I also was thinking of how I could incorporate our little sailing adventure into my class too. 

We had SO much fun on the trip.  I can't remember a time of being more relaxed or just at peace with everything.  We really enjoyed our times together as a family and not having to punch a clock to be somewhere at a certain time.  Yes, our skin is a little more sunkissed now (or lobsterized) and we all have sand in our hair, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  It was a great trip.  We spent all day on the beach on Tuesday and played in the sand, built sand castles, 'walked the plank' (or the boat dock), 'dug for treasure', and laid out on the cabana.  It was wonderful!  God gave us great weather to enjoy our time with eachother and a beautiful place to do it in.  I love Traverse City.  I had really been there mostly when I was little in the winter (awesome Cross-Country Ski places around).  To be there now in the summer after many years was great.  I cannot wait to go back... we did make it home in 4 hours and 15 minutes... not too far to make a weekend trip.... hint hint honey! ;p

I also realized when we were there that I would love to live there.  It is just big enough to not be a small town, yet not huge either.  There isn't the congestion that there is here at home.  The places around there are so beautiful.... maybe one day we could do a summer house.  Ahh dreams... it would be great, but more than likely not a reality... at least not for a few years.  I have to become a called worker of the church (so that I can get called there) and I also have to convince my loving husband that the winters are not that bad up there, it isn't that cold, and that the snow piles on the side of the roads that are higher than your car are nothing to be worried about.  :)  Until then... pictures will help keep that memory and dream alive...

                      My little guy and I on the top of the Dune Climb with Glenn Lake in the background.

                                    Our family with Sleeping Bear Dune and Lake Michigan in the background.

                                                                    A Michigan sunset with my little man.

                                                              Building sand castles with Daddy.

                    'Walking the Plank' as it was called... more like walking out to the end of the dock.

                                       Look at that adorable Captain... he did a wonderful job steering the boat.

                                                                        My little Captain and I.

                                                              A family that sails together has lots of fun together!

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