Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Bags

So I have seen this on Pinterest a while back and thought these would be really good for my students who finish early.  I decided to make one for every letter of the alphabet, which is proving harder than I thought with some letters.  I would like to have at least 5-6 items per bag, with not too many in the bag since the kids are suppose to find things.  My "Ss" bag has the most items in it.  These have cost some money to make, but I think that it will be beneficial to the students, especially with beginning sounds and identifying things that begin with certain letters. 

The bags are not finished.  I have put the ribbon on where the zipper is, but I still have to put the letters on the bag to identify which letter bag it is.  I also have to print out the pictures with the items on it.  On the back of that picture, I am going to have the different items listed for my students who are higher and can read.  Then I am going to put them on a ring and going to have a special spot in the room for these to be hanging. :)  here are some pictures for a sneek peek at what I have collected so far.  These are the bags that are all set and ribbon glued on them. 

These are the items that are in my Bb bag.

The Cc bag

The Pp bag.

The Ff bag

The Ee bag

The Hh bag

The Mm bag (don't know why this picture is turned this way, it was normal)

The Ss bag

These are the little plastic beads that I put in.  Thanks to my dad who got them from his work.  You can get them from Joann's too or get Bean Bag filler.

I used see through binder pencil bags.  These I got at Meijer and seem really durable.  For the consonants, I am using blue, black, and purple.  The vowels are all going to be in pink bags... to show the kids that there is a difference.  I hot glued ribbon right on to the zipper, making sure I went over the zipper all the way so that the bag doesn't come apart.  I wanted to make sure I couldn't get into the bag again- also so I don't have these plastic pieces EVERY WHERE in my room! (Don't think that Mr. Jerry would like that too much at the end of the day!) 

Once I get one finished, I will post a picture of that as well.  I have the letters at school, in a cupboard, packed away, so it will be hard to find them right now.  Have to start cleaning out and setting up the room first to find them.  I will have my aides help me in final assembly of these. 

I am really excited about these and hope that the kids enjoy them.  :)

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